V+ 는 바람에

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출근 첫날이라서 그런지 긴장이 돼요. 어제 잠도 제대로 못 잤어요.
Maybe because it is the first day of work, I feel tense. I also did not sleep properly yesterday.
저도 마찬가지예요. 긴장을 너무 하는 바람에 사원증을 놓고 와서 집에 다시 갔다가 왔어요.
I am the same. Because I was so nervous, I left my employee card and had to go home again to get it.
조금 있으면 다들 출근하실 텐데 모두에게 인사를 해야 할까요?
In a little bit, everyone will come to work, should I go and greet everyone?
제가 선배님들에게 들었는데 일단 우리 부서 상사들에게만 인사를 하면 된대요.
I heard from the seniors that we only need to greet our department bosses.
어! 저기 과장님이 들어오시네요.
Uh! The section chief is coming in.
앉아서 인사하면 예의 없다고 생각하실 테니까 우리 일어서서 인사합시다.
If we sit down and greet him, he will think we have no etiquette, so let's stand up and greet him.

V+ 는 바람에
As it is attached to an action verb's stem, it is used when it is influential to the previous situation which can be the reason for the result. Mainly, it is used for negative results.

계단에서 넘어지는 바람에 다리를 다쳤어요.
Because he fell down the stairs, he hurt his leg.

갑자기 비가 오는 바람에 옷이 다 젖었어요.
Because it suddenly started raining, his clothes were all wet.

정전이 되는 바람에 컴퓨터로 작업한 것이 다 없어졌어요.
Because of the power outage, he lost all his work on the computer.

Related words
마찬가지 the same
사원증 employee card
부서 department
상사 (one's) superior
정전 blackout/power outage
작업 work

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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