V/A+ 는다면/ㄴ다면/다면

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 외국인도 신용카드를 발급받을 수 있습니까?

Is it possible for foreigners to have a credit card issued?
조건이 까다롭기는 하지만 한국에서 직장에 다니고 계신다면 가능합니다.
Even though the conditions are very particular, it is possible if you are employed in Korea.
저는 한국 회사에 2년째 재직 중입니다.
I am serving my 2nd year at a Korean company.
그리고 앞으로 한국에서 1년 이상 체류하셔야 합니다.
And you need to stay in Korea for more than 1 year from now on.
비자 기간도 1년 이상 남아서 저는 한동안 한국에서 살 예정이에요.
Since my visa period has more than 1 year left, I will be scheduled to live in Korea for a while.
그럼 가능하십니다. 지난 3개월 간의 급여 명세서와 외국인등록증이 필요하니까 준비해 주세요.
Then, it is possible. Since I need your salary paystub for the past three months and your certificate of alien registration, please prepare them.

V/A+ 는다면/ㄴ다면/다면
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when the situation of the first clause is an assumption or a condition.

'-ㄴ다면' is used if it ends by a vowel of the action verb's stem or 'ㄹ'. Other than that, '-는다면' is used if it ends with a consonant and '-다면' is used if it ends with a descriptive verb's stem.

토픽 시험에서 4급을 받는다면 대학 지원이 가능합니다.듣기
If you get a level 4 in the Test of Proficiency in Korean, TOPIK, you can apply for university.

네가 간다면 나도 같이 갈게.
If you go, I will go with you.

실력만 있다면 누구든지 그 일을 할 수 있습니다.
As long as you have a skill, anyone can do it.

Related words
신용카드 credit card
까다롭다 to be particular (about)
(기간) 째 period of (time)
It is used to explain the duration of a time period.
재직 serve
체류 stay
예정 be scheduled (for/to do)
급여 salary
명세서 paystub
외국인등록증 certificate of alien registration

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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