V+ 다가 보면

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차가 막혀서 천천히 가니까 졸음이 쏟아져요.
Because the cars are blocked, I am driving slowly and my drowsiness is overflowing.
제 핸드폰에 신나는 곡이 많이 있는데 음악을 들으면서 갈까요?
I have a lot of exciting music on my phone, so, should we listen to them while we go?
좋아요. 그런데 가다가 쉴 곳이 있어요?
Sounds good. But on the way is there a place to rest a bit?
다가 보면 졸음쉼터가 나올 거예요. 거기에서 좀 쉬어요.
If you look on the way, there will be a rest area that comes along. Rest there for a bit.
졸음쉼터요? 그게 뭐예요?
A rest area? What is that?
고속도로에서 운전할 때 잠시 쉬었다가 갈 수 있는 곳이에요.
It is a place to rest for a bit when driving on the freeway.

V+ 다가 보면
As it is attached to an action verb's stem, it is used if he keeps his behavior continuously. As a result, there will be new facts or some conditions. It can be used as '-다 보면'.

유학 생활을 하다가 보면 예상하지 못했던 일들이 많이 일어나요.
When you are studying abroad, many unexpected things will happen.

꾸준히 노력하다가 보면 좋은 결과가 나올 거예요.
When you try hard, you will get good results.

이 길을 따라서 계속 가다 보면 편의점이 있을 거예요.
When you follow this road and keep going, there will be a convenience store along the way.

Related words
졸음 drowsiness
쏟아지다 to be overflowing
졸음 쉼터 rest area
고속도로 freeway
꾸준히 consistently

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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