V/A+ 었다면/았다면/였다면

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선배님들의 이야기가 도움이 됐어요?
Did the seniors' advice provide you guys help?
선배님들이 다들 친절해서 좋았어요. 하지만 궁금한 것을 다 여쭤보지 못해서 아쉬워요.
It's nice that the seniors were all friendly. However, I was not able to ask all the questions I was curious about.
왜 충분히 질문하지 못했어요? 시간이 부족했어요?
Why didn't you ask your questions? Was there not enough time?
네, 면담 시간이 많았다면 질문을 많이 했을 거예요.
Yes, if there were more face-to-face talk time, I would have asked a lot more questions.
지난번에는 면담 시간이 꽤 길었는데요.
Last time, the face-time-face talk time was quite long.
이번에는 한 사람에게 시간을 10분밖에 주지 않았어요.
This time, they only gave 10 minutes per person.

V/A+ 었다면/았다면/였다면
It is used with action verb stem or descriptive verb stem and it is used when you assume the opposite content which is not true practically.

‘-았다면’ is used if it ends with ‘ㅏ, ㅗ’ of an action verb or descriptive verb stem. ‘-었다면’ is used if it ends with the rest of the other vowels(ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ) as indicated. ‘-였다면(했다면)’ is used if‘ 하-’ is used.

일찍 음악을 배웠다면 음악가가 됐을 거예요.
If I took a music lesson early, I would become a musician.

한국에 오지 않았다면 미국 대학원에 진학해서 석사 학위를 받았을 거예요.
If I did not come to Korea, I could get a Master's degree from the American University.

어제 열심히 공부를 했다면 오늘 밤을 새우지 않아도 될 텐데요.
If you studied very hard yesterday, you shouldn't stay up through the night.

Related words
면담 face-to-face talk
충분히 enough
석사 master's degree
학위 degree

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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