V+ 도록 하다

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다음 주에 전공 설명회가 있을 거예요.
There will be a session about choosing majors next week.
선생님, 저도 가고 싶은데 무엇을 준비해야 해요?
Teacher, I want to go, too. What do I have to prepare?
신청서에 이름과 질문하고 싶은 내용을 쓰도록 하세요.
On the application, please write your name and any questions that you have.
네, 그런데 제 한국어 실력이 유창하지 않은데 괜찮을까요?
Okay, but my Korean skills are not that great, is that okay?
선배들이 외국어를 잘하니까 걱정하지 마세요.
The seniors are all fluent in foreign languages so do not worry about that.
신청서 다 작성했습니다. 감사합니다.
I have completed the application. Thank you.
V+ 도록 하다
It is used with an action verb stem. It is used when the speaker is attempting to do something. It is whether he/she is commanding someone to do or asking someone to operate stuff. It is used if the speaker asks the listener with commanding or suggesting, it becomes as Imperative sentence or Propositive sentence.‘-도록 하겠다’ is used for a person will or pledge when the first person as a speaker.
내일 모임에 7시까지 오도록 하세요.
Please try to come to the meeting by 7 o'clock tomorrow.
회의 시간에는 휴대전화를 끄도록 하세요.
Please turn off the cell phone during the meeting.
다음에는 늦지 않도록 하겠어요.
I won't be late next time.
Related words
신청서 application
내용 contents
유창하다 to be fluent
작성하다 to complete (file)

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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