N 덕분에

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어? 신랑, 신부 왔다!
Oh? The bride and groom arrived!
오래 기다리게 해서 미안해. 식사는 맛있게 했어?
I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Did you enjoy your meal?
응, 음식도 깔끔하고 종류도 많던데.
Yeah, the food is neat and there was a lot of variety.
결혼식에서 축가 불러 줘서 고마워.
Thanks for your special nuptial song at my wedding.
내가 너무 긴장해서 평소 실력을 발휘하지 못한 것 같아.
I was so nervous that could not perform as well as I usually do.
아니야. 네 축가 덕분에 결혼식 분위기가 좋았어.
No. Because of your special nuptial song, the wedding atmosphere was good.

N 덕분에
It is used after the noun which indicates that when you have a positive result due to the help related to the preceding noun. When a noun is a person, it can mean that you are being thankful to someone.

선생님 덕분에 한국어 실력이 늘었어요.
Because of my teacher, my Korean language skill is getting better.

덕분에 오늘도 많이 웃었어.
Today I laughed again because of you.

시시티브이(CCTV) 덕분에 범인을 금방 잡았어요.
I caught the criminal because of CCTV right away.

Related words
깔끔하다 to be neat
종류 kind
축가 a nuptial song/wedding song
발휘 demonstration

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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