V/A+ 었/았/였다니 다행이다

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혹시 남은 음식 포장이 되나요? 배가 너무 불러서 다 못 먹을 것 같아요.
Is it possible to take our leftovers as a to-go? My stomach is so full that I won't be able to eat the rest.
그럼요. 저희 포장 용기에 해 드리면 되죠? 잠시만요.
Of course. It's okay to wrap it in our container right? Just a second.
남은 밥이랑 반찬도 같이 싸 드릴까요?
Should I wrap the leftover rice and side dishes as well?
감사합니다. 음식이 아주 맛있었어요.
Thank you. The food was very delicious.
맛있게 드셨다니 다행이네요. 여기 포장해 달라고 하신 음식요.
It's a relief that you've enjoyed your meal. Here are the leftovers that you wanted in a container.
네, 계산해 주세요.
Okay, please give me my check.

V/A+ 었/았/였다니 다행이다
It is used with an action verb stem or descriptive verb stem. It is used next to the ending word of an action verb or descriptive action verb while the situation has solved the problem after the listener has heard the situation. It is a combination of ‘-다니’ which is an expression for a reason and evidence in indirect quotation with past verb form, ‘-었/았/였- and -었다니/았다니/였다니’ which is combined with the word ‘다행이다'.

‘-았다니 다행이다' is used if the last syllable of an active verb or descriptive verb stem is ‘ㅏ,ㅗ' ‘-었다니 다행이다' is used if the rest of other vowels is ‘ ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ'. ‘- 였다니(했다니) 다행이다' is used if ‘하-’ is used.

지갑을 찾았다니 다행이네요.
It's a relief that you found your wallet.

시험이 예상보다 쉬웠다니 다행이에요.
It's a relief that the test was easier than you had expected.

그 사고로 크게 다친 사람이 없었다니 다행이야.
It's a relief that no one was hurt severely in that accident.

Related words
(포장)용기 (for wrapping) container or to-go box
싸다 to wrap
예상 prediction
크게 largely

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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