V/A+ 지요.

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심리학 수업 발표 때문에 조모임을 해야 하는데 내일 시간 있어?
Since we have a group presentation for psychology, we have to meet together, do you have time tomorrow?
내일은 편의점에 아르바이트를 하러 가야 돼. 미안해.
I have to go to the convenience store tomorrow for my part-time job. Sorry.
별수 없지. 그런데 넌 주말마다 아르바이트 하는 거 안 힘들어?
There is no way. But isn't it tiring having a part-time job to go to every weekend?
힘들지. 그래도 용돈을 벌 수 있잖아.
I am tired. But, I can still earn pocket money.
부모님께서 주시는 용돈이 충분하지 않아?
Is it not enough to get an allowance from your parents?
그건 아니지만 생활비는 내 힘으로 해결하고 싶어.
It's not that, but I want to be able to take care of my own cost of living.

V/A+ 지요.
It is used with an action verb stem or descriptive verb stem. It is used when the speaker assumes that the listener knows about what speaker’s any facts or statements. Mainly, it is used to show whether or not you agree about someone’s opinions or as a reconfirmation.

가: 표정이 왜 안 좋아요? 선물 받았는데 좋지 않아요?
How come you do not look happy? Aren't you happy that you got the gift, are you?
나: 좋지요. 그런데 좀 부담스러워요.
Of course, I love it. But, I feel a little bit uncomfortable.

가: 또 친구 도와주러 가니? 너 과제 많지 않아?
Are you going to help your friend again? You have a lot of homework, don't you?
나: 많지. 그래도 친구니까 도와줘야 해.
I do, no matter what, I need to help him because he is my friend.

가: 성적이 왜 이렇게 안 좋아? 요즘 공부 안 하니?
How come your grade is so bad? Aren't you studying at all recently?
나: 열심히 하지. 하지만 성적이 잘 나오지 않아.
Yes, I do study very hard, However, my grade is still bad.

Related words
심리학 psychology
조모임 group meeting
벌다 make money
생활비 daily living costs
힘(능력) power(capability)
부담스럽다 feel burdened

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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