V/A+ 겠군요.

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어서 오세요.
핸드폰을 사려고 왔는데 신제품 좀 보여 주세요.
I came to buy a cell phone. Please show me your latest products.
핸드폰으로 무엇을 많이 하세요? 이건 스피커가 좋아서 음악을 자주 들으시는 분께 추천해요.
What do you do the most with your cell phone? This one has nice speakers, so it is a good recommendation for those who listen to music often.
저는 사진 찍는 것을 좋아해요.
I like to take pictures.
그럼, 이 은색 핸드폰이 좋겠군요. 사진이 예쁘게 잘 나와요.
Then, this silver phone would be nice. The pictures come out nicely.
처음부터 그 제품이 마음에 들었는데 잘 됐네요.
I initially liked this product so that's good.

V/A+ 겠군요.
It is used with an action verb and descriptive verb stem. It is used to express how a situation would happen that can be assumed after the listener hears about it from the speaker.

가: 오늘부터 방학이에요.
It is going to be a vacation from today.
나: 이제부터 시간 여유가 좀 있겠군요.
There will be enough time from now on.

가: 아침을 안 먹었어요.
I skipped breakfast.
나: 배가 고프겠군요.
You must be hungry.

가: 저는 미국에서 오래 살았어요.
I lived in the United States of America for a long time.
나: 영어를 잘하겠군요.
You must be good at English.

Related words
스피커 speaker
동영상 video
은색 silver
여유 have time to spare

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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