V/A+ 거든

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이것저것 다 해 봤는데도 계속 핸드폰이 안 켜지네요.
I've done all these things but my phone still won't turn on.
예전에도 그런 적이 있어서 결국 수리센터에 가서 고쳤어요.
That happened to me before so I ended up going to the repair center to get it fixed.
그때 비용이 많이 나왔어요?
Did they charge you a lot then?
아니요, 그때는 산 지 1년이 안 돼서 무상으로 수리를 받았어요. 이번에는 수리비도 걱정이에요.
No, it was less than 1 year since I bought it, so it was repaired free of charge. This time I am also worried about the repair cost.
수리비가 너무 비싸거든 차라리 새것으로 바꾸세요.
It's too expensive to repair. Instead, just change it for a new one.
네, 그래야겠어요.
Yes, I should.

V/A+ 거든
It is used with an active verb or descriptive verb stem. It is used when it suggests the behavior or condition of the preceding clause by demonstrating the action of the following clause as a requirement. Mainly, ‘-으십시오', ’-읍시다' which indicates a command, suggestion, request, and promise, that comes after the following clause.

바쁘거든 먼저 가십시오.
Please go first, if you were busy.

숙제를 다 하거든 놀러 갑시다.
Let's go to play if you finished your homework.

비가 그치거든 축구를 할까요?
Shall we play soccer when the rain stops?

Related words
예전 in the past
결국 at last
비용 costs
무상 free of charge

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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