V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 대신에

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지금 집주인하고 통화 중인데 도배를 다시 하는 건 힘들다는데요.
I'm on the phone with the landlord right now, and he says it will be difficult to paint the entire room.
이 부분이 너무 신경 쓰이는데…. 해 주시면 안 돼요?
This part here really bothers me... Can you not do it?
잠시만요. 다시 물어 볼게요.
Just a moment. I'll ask again.
집주인이 방 전체를 도배하는 대신 더러운 벽만 새 벽지를 붙여 주겠다고 하는데요.
The landlord said, instead of painting the whole room, he says he will only put new wallpaper on the dirty wall.
음, 그렇게라도 해 주세요.
Hmm, please do that for me at least.
네, 그럼 이 방으로 계약하시겠어요?
Okay, then will you be signing the contract for this room?

V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 대신에
This expression indicates that the action in the preceding clause can either be replaced by another action or that another action can compensate for the action in the preceding clause.

‘-는 대신에' is used if it ends with the action verb, ‘있다', ‘없다' verb’s stem. ‘-ㄴ 대신에' is used if it ends with a vowel or with ‘ㄹ' of the descriptive verb stem. ‘-은 대신에' is used if it ends with the rest of consonants of the descriptive verb stem. ‘에' is able to omit from ‘ 대신에'

시간이 없어서 밥을 먹는 대신에 빵을 먹었어요.
I ate bread instead of rice since there was no time.

친구가 제 숙제를 도와주는 대신 제가 친구에게 밥을 사 주기로 했어요.
I decided to buy dinner since my friend helps me do my homework instead.

우리 회사는 월급이 많은 대신 일이 힘들어요.
My salary is high, but, my work is very hard to do.

Related words
신경이 쓰이다 to be a bother
전체 whole
붙이다 to stick/attach
계약 contract

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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