V+ 을/ㄹ 만하다

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아르바이트 구했어?
Did you get a part-time job?
아니, 아직 못 구했어. 이번 달까지 구해야 하는데 걱정이야.
No, I have not got it yet. I'm worried because I have to find one before this month ends.
게시판에 근로 장학생 구한다는 공고가 붙었던데 신청해 볼래?
I noticed on the bulletin board asking for a scholarship to work. Would you apply?
근로 장학생이 뭔데?
What is a work scholarship?
교내에서 아르바이트를 하는 거야. 공강 시간을 활용해서 일을 하는 거라서 수업을 들으면서 할 만해.
It's having a job on campus. It seems like a job to do to use the free time to work and still be able to take classes.
아, 그런 게 있었구나. 외국인 학생도 할 수 있겠지?
Oh, there was such a thing. Do you think a foreign student could do that job, too?

V+ 을/ㄹ 만하다
It is used with an action verb stem, denoting whether the action is appropriate or valuable.

It is used for ‘-ㄹ 만하다' when it is with a vowel on an action verb stem or ending with ‘ㄹ', but, ‘- 을 만하다' is used if it ends with other consonants.

제주도는 구경거리가 많아서 한번 가 볼 만해요.
It is valuable to go to Jeju Island since there are so many things to do.

돈이 부족해서 살 만한 집을 구하기가 쉽지 않아요.
It is not easy to look for the appropriate house due to lack of money.

비빔밥은 매운 것을 못 먹는 외국인도 먹을 만해요.
Bibimbap seems like an appropriate dish to foreigners who are unable to eat spicy food.

Related words
게시판 bulletin board
근로 work
장학생 scholarship
공고 announcement
교내 on campus
공강 no lecture
활용하다 to utilize

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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