V/A+ (으)면 V/A+ 을/ㄹ수록

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마스크 쓰고 다니시는 거 불편하지 않으세요?
Isn't it inconvenient to wear a mask when you go out?
좀 불편해요. 그런데 요즘 공기가 너무 나빠서 보통 외출할 때는 마스크를 써요.
It's a bit inconvenient. But the air these days is too bad, so I usually wear a mask when I go out.
자동차가 많아서 그런지 도시는 공기가 더 나쁜 것 같아요.
It seems the air in the city is worse maybe because there are a lot of cars.
맞아요. 자동차 매연 때문에 공기가 나빠진다고 해요.
Yes, it's right. The air is getting worse because of the smoke from the car.
그래서 저는 출퇴근할 때 대중교통을 이용하기로 했어요.
So I have decided to use public transportation to commute.
좋은 생각이에요. 대중교통을 이용하는 사람이 많으면을수록 공기가 깨끗해질 거예요.
That's a good idea. The more people use public transportation, the cleaner the air will be.

V/A+ 으면/면 V/A+ 을/ㄹ수록
It is used to express the increase in the intensity of a certain situation or degree.

When an action verb stem or a descriptive verb stem ends in a consonant, use '-으면 -을수록‘, and when it ends in a vowel, use '-면 -ㄹ수록’.

단 음식은 먹으면을수록 자꾸 먹고 싶어져요.
The more sweet food you eat, the more you feel like eating it.

그 드라마는 보 볼수록 재미있어요.
The more you watch the drama, the more interesting it gets.

기대가 크 클수록 실망도 커요.
The bigger your expectation is, the bigger your disappointment will be.

Related words
자동차 a car
매연 smoke
대중교통 public transportation
기대 expectation
실망 disappointment

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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