V+ 은/ㄴ 덕분에

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늦어서 미안해. 길이 많이 막혔어.
Sorry I'm late. The roads got jammed.
괜찮아. 나도 조금 전에 왔어. 그런데 오늘 아침에 회사에 늦지 않았어?
It's OK. I also came in right before you. But weren't you late for the work in the morning?
네가 아침에 전화로 깨워 준 덕분에 늦지 않았어. 고마워.
Thanks to your wake-up call in the morning, I wasn't late.
내일도 내가 깨워 줄게.
I will wake you up tomorrow again.
아니야, 너도 아침에 일어나기 힘들잖아. 알람 맞추고 잘게.
No, it must be hard for you to wake up in the morning, too. I will set the alarm when I go to bed.
일어나자마자 네 목소리 듣고 싶어서 그래. 내일도 깨워 줄게.
I want to listen to your voice as soon as I wake up. I will wake you up tomorrow, too.

V+ 은/ㄴ 덕분에
It is used to indicate the reason for a positive outcome. When an action verb stem ends in a consonant, use '-은 덕분에‘, and when it ends in a vowel, use '-ㄴ 덕분에’.

편한 신발을 신은 덕분에 오래 걸었는데도 발이 아프지 않았어요.
Thanks to the comfortable shoes, my feet did hurt though I walked for long.

선생님께서 잘 가르쳐 주신 덕분에 한국말을 잘하게 됐어요.
Thanks to the teacher's good lesson, I am now capable of speaking good Korean.

요가를 열심히 한 덕분에 몸이 건강해졌어요.
Thanks to the hard practice of yoga, I became healthy.

Related words
알람 an alarm
맞추다 to set
목소리 a voice
신발 shoes
발 foot

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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