N요. A response related to the question by using ‘요' as the short answer

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여보세요. 연세 식당이죠? 모임 예약 때문에 전화드렸어요.
Hello. Is this Yonsei restaurant? I am calling to make a reservation for a meeting.
네, 몇 분 예약 도와 드릴까요?
Yes, how many people should I make a reservation for?
10명요. 다다음 주 월요일 2시로 부탁드려요.
10 people. The following Monday after next week at 2 o'clock, please.
네, 성함이랑 연락처 남겨 주세요.
Okay, could you please leave a name and contact number?
저는 유양이고요. 전화번호는 010-1234-5678입니다.
My name is Yu Yang. My phone number is 010-1234-5678.
네. 유양 고객님 외 아홉 분, 다다음 주 월요일 2시에 예약 완료되셨습니다.
Okay. Thank you, guest, of nine, besides Yu Yang, the reservation is complete for the following Monday after next week at 2 o'clock.

It is used with nouns, adverbs, and connective endings. It is used through the use of honorific language for the listener. It is used when you have a response related to the question by using ‘요' as the short answer.

가: 누구를 만나러 가요?
Who are you going to meet?
나: 고향 친구요.
나: To meet my old friend.

가: 오늘 회의가 몇 시예요?
When is our meeting today?
나: 오후 네 시요.
It will be at 4 pm.

가: 서류를 언제까지 제출해요?
When do I need to submit my file?
나: 이번 주 수요일까지요.
By this Wednesday.

Related words
전화드리다 honorific word: to give a call
부탁드리다 honorific word: to ask a favor
다다음 주 the week after next
완료되다 be completed

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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