볼링을 치러 갈래요?
Shall we go to play bowling?
저는 볼링을 어떻게 치는지 몰라요.
I don’t know how to play bowling.
볼링을 쳐 본 적이 없어요?
Haven't you played bowling?
네, 볼링을 쳐 본 적이 한 번도 없어요.
No, I haven't played bowling.
그럼 제가 오늘 가르쳐 줄게요. 같이 볼링장에 갑시다.
Then, I will teach you today. Let's go to the bowling alley.
네, 좋아요. 저도 볼링을 쳐 보고 싶었어요.
어떻게(어디에서, 언제, 어느 N이/가…) V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지 몰라요.
It is a combined form of an interrogative sentence with '모르다'. It is used to indicate that a subject doesn't know certain information or fact. 'N인지 몰라요.' is used when the following information or fact is a noun.
제 친구는 지하철을 어디에서 갈아타는지 몰라요.
My friend doesn't know where to transfer subway.
저는 거기가 언제 한산한지 몰라요.
I don’t know when it's going to be less crowded there.
저는 어느 상품이 더 나은지 몰라요.
I don’t know which product is better.
Related words
볼링장 a bowling alley
갈아타다 to transfer
한산하다 to be less crowded
낫다 to be better