V/A는/은/ㄴ데 V+으세요/세요. Express a command to do a certain action after explaining the situation

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다 입으셨어요? 나와 보세요. 정말 잘 어울리네요.
Have you put it on? Please come out. It looks really good on you.
치마가 좀 짧은 것 같은데요.
The skirt looks a bit short.
올해 짧은 치마가 유행이에요. 색이랑 디자인이 손님에게 잘 어울려요.
Short skirts are in fashion this year. The color and the design match well with you.
그래요? 저는 이렇게 짧은 치마는 처음 입어 봐요.
Really? This is my first time trying this short skirt on.
이번 주말에만 10퍼센트 할인하는데 하나 사세요.
It's on sale at a 10% discount only this weekend. Please buy one.
그럼 이 치마 주세요.
Then, please give me this skirt.

V/A는/은/ㄴ데 V+으세요/세요.
It is used to express a command to do a certain action after explaining the situation.

내일도 일찍 출근해야 하는데 빨리 정리하고 가세요.
You have to go to work early tomorrow again. Please finish up things quickly and go.

이 포도가 달고 맛있는데 좀 드세요.
This grape is sweet and delicious. Please have some.

짐이 많은데 여기에 놓으세요.
You got a lot of luggage. Please leave them there.

Related words
할인하다 to be on sale
정리하다 to finish up
포도 grape
놓다 to leave

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