V/A+ 었어/았어/였어? The informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 었/았/였어요?’

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우빈아, 진짜 오랜만이야. 방학 때 뭐 하고 지냈어?
Woobin, it's been a really long time since we met. How did you spend your vacation?
방학 때 한 달 동안 배낭여행을 했어.
I went backpacking for one month during the vacation.
한 달 동안 여행을 했어? 어느 나라를 여행했어?
Did you go backpacking for one month? Which countries did you travel around?
프랑스에서 보름, 이탈리아에서 보름 정도 있었어.
I stayed in France for almost half a month and in Italy for another half a month.
여행 기간이 길어서 힘들지 않았어?
Wasn't it hard because the traveling period was long?
너무 재미있어서 한국에 돌아오고 싶지 않았어.
It was so fun that I didn't want to come back to Korea.

V/A+ 었어/았어/였어?
It is the informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 었어요/았어요/였어요?’ in an interrogative sentence.

작년 크리스마스 파티 때 친구에게 무슨 선물을 줬어?
What kind of present did you give to your friend at last year's Christmas party?

어제 집에 잘 들어갔어?
Did you get home safe yesterday?

청소 다 했어?
Have you finished cleaning?

Related words
  • 아 (It is attached to the name of a close friend or a junior or younger person to call that person by name. When the name ends in a consonant, '-아' is used. When the name ends in a vowel, '-야' is used. (e.g. 우빈(Korean name)+아 → 우빈아, 수지(Korean name)+야 → 수지야))
  • 지내다 to spend
  • 동안 during
  • 배낭여행 backpacking
  • 보름 half a month, fifteen days
  • 이탈리아 Italy
  • 기간 a period
  • 돌아오다 to come back to

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