V/A+ (으)면 A+ 어/아/여져요. Indicate a change into a certain state when an event in the preceding clause happens.

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스티브 씨는 인스턴트식품을 자주 먹는 것 같아요.
Mr. Steve, you seem to eat instant food often.
네, 하루에 한 번쯤 먹어요.
Yes, I eat it almost once a day.
좀 줄이세요. 인스턴트식품을 많이 먹으면 건강이 나빠져요.
Please cut it down. If you eat too much instant food, your health will worsen.
알겠어요. 그럼 오늘부터 덜 먹을게요.
Yes, I know. I will try to eat it less from today.

V/A+ (으)면 A+ 어/아/여져요.
It is used to indicate a change into a certain state when an event in the preceding clause happens.

국이 식으면 맛없어져요.
When the soup cools down, it loses its flavor.

저는 단 음식을 먹으면 기분이 좋아져요.
If I eat sweet food, it makes me feel better.

봄이 되 날씨가 따뜻해져요.
If it is in spring, the weather gets warm.

Related words
인스턴트식품 an instant food
줄이다 to reduce
덜 less
식다 to cool down
맛없다 to lose flavor
달다 to be sweet
봄 spring

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