V+ 은/ㄴ 지 N 됐어요. Indicate how much time has passed since someone has done something

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남자 친구 있어요?
Do you have a boyfriend?
아니요, 없어요. 남자 친구하고 헤어진 지 3개월 됐어요.
No, I don’t have. It's been three months since I broke up with my boyfriend.
그럼 우리 회사에 괜찮은 사람이 있는데 한번 만나 보실래요?
Well, there is a nice guy in my company. Would you like to meet him?
그래요? 멋있어요?
Is it so? Is he cool?
멋있고 일도 잘해서 동료들이 좋아해요.
My colleagues like him as he is cool and works well.
그런데 왜 여자 친구가 없어요? 눈이 높아요?
Then why doesn't he have a girlfriend? Does he have a high standard?

V+ 은/ㄴ 지 N 됐어요.
It is used to indicate how much time has passed since someone has done something.

고향 음식을 먹은 지 한 달 됐어요.
It's been one month since I ate my hometown food.

부모님과 영상 통화를 한 지 일주일 됐어요.
It's been a week since I made a video call with my parents.

고등학교를 졸업한 지 6개월 됐어요.
It's been six months since I graduated from high school.

Related words
괜찮다 to be nice, to be good (a person)
눈이 높다 to have a high standard
영상 통화 a video call
고등학교 a high school

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