V+ (으)려고 하는데요. Indicate the plan or intention to do something

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어서 오세요. 뭘 찾으세요?
Welcome, What are you looking for?
남자 티셔츠를 하나 사려고 하는데요.
I am planning to buy a t-shirt for men.
선물하실 거예요?
Are you going to give it as a gift?
네, 아버지께 선물할 거예요.
Yes, I am going to give it to my father as a gift.
그럼 이건 어떠세요? 연세가 있으신 분들에게 인기가 많아요.
Then, how about this one? This is popular with older people.
색이 너무 밝은 것 같은데 다른 색은 없어요?
The color seems to be too bright. Do you have other colors?

V+ (으)려고 하는데요.
It is used to indicate the plan or intention to do something while expecting a response from the listener.

증명사진을 찍으려고 하는데요.
I am planning to take an ID picture.

봉사 활동 참가 신청을 하려고 하는데요.
I am planning to sign up for participating in the volunteering activity.

토요일 저녁 예약을 하려고 하는데요. 창가 자리 예약이 가능합니까?
I am planning to make a reservation on Saturday evening. Is it possible to reserve window-side seats?

Related words
연세 an age (It is an honorific expression for '나이'.)
증명사진 an ID picture
봉사 활동 a volunteering activity
참가 participating
신청 signing up, applying for
창가 window-side

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