V+ 을래/ㄹ래? Ask the listener's intention in an informal speech form

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지금 놀이터에 나가? 오늘 햇빛이 강하니까 모자 쓰고 나가.
Are you going out to the playground now? Wear your cap as the sunlight is strong today.
네, 엄마. 모자 쓰고 나갈게요.
Yes, mom. I'll wear a cap when I go out.
선크림은 발랐어?
Did you put on sunscreen?
아니요, 안 발랐어요. 선크림도 발라야 해요?
No, I didn't. Do I have to put on sunscreen, too?
그럼. 꼭 발라야 해. 언제 집에 들어올래?
Yes, you should. When are you coming back home?
한 시간 후에 들어올게요.
I'll come back in one hour.

V+ 을래/ㄹ래?
It is used to ask the listener's intention in an informal speech form. It is mostly used in very close relationships.

우리 여기에서 같이 사진 찍을래?
Shall we take pictures together here?

점심은 배달시켜서 먹을래?
Shall we have our lunch delivered?

오늘 우리 집에 놀러 올래?
Will you come over to my house today?

Related words
놀이터 a playground
햇빛 a sunlight
강하다 to be strong
선크림 a sunscreen
배달시키다 to be delivered

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