N인데요. State a certain situation while expecting a response from the listener

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여보세요? 서연 씨, 죄송하지만 제가 약속 시간에 좀 늦을 것 같아요.
Hello. Ms. Seoyon, I am sorry but I might be a little bit late for our appointment.
네? 우리가 약속한 날은 내일인데요.
Really? Our appointment is tomorrow.
오늘이 목요일 아니에요? 제가 착각했네요.
Isn't today Thursday? I must have been confused.
저도 가끔 그래요. 일이 많아서 그럴 거예요.
Sometimes that happens to me. You must have a lot of work to do.
제가 요즘 회사 일 때문에 정신이 없어요.
I'm so swamped with work these days.
너무 무리하지 마세요. 내일 만나요.
Don't be so hard on yourself. See you tomorrow.

It is used after a noun to state a certain situation while expecting a response from the listener. It is usually used when you do not want to end a conversation but hope it will be continued.

제가 김우빈인데요. 누구세요?
I am Woobin Kim. Who is it?

제가 담당자인데요. 무슨 일이세요?
I am the person in charge. How can I help you?

제가 이 환자의 보호자인데요.
I am the guardian of this patient.

Related words
약속하다 to make an appointment
날 a date
착각하다 to be confused
정신이 없다 to be swamped with
무리하다 to be hard on oneself
담당자 a person in charge
보호자 a guardian

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