A+ 다. The informal speech form for ‘A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다.’

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창밖을 좀 봐. 하늘이 정말 뿌옇다.
Look out the window. The sky is really hazy.
미세 먼지가 점점 많아져서 걱정이야.
I am afraid there is more and more fine dust.
작년보다 올해 더 심해졌어.
It's worse this year than last year.
요즘에는 미세 먼지 때문에 외출할 때 항상 마스크를 써야 해.
You should wear a mask when you go out these days because of the fine dust.
나는 귀찮아서 마스크를 잘 안 쓰는데 오늘은 꼭 마스크를 써야 할 것 같아.
I don’t usually wear a mask because it's bothersome. But I think I have to wear one today.
맞아. 그리고 이런 날에는 야외 활동을 안 하는 것이 더 좋을 것 같아.
Yes, right. I think it would be better if you don't do outdoor activities on such a day like this.

A+ 다.
It is the informal speech form for ‘A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다.’ in a declarative sentence. It is used to express immediately what you feel on the spot.

이 향수 냄새가 참 좋다.
I really like the smell of this fragrance.

이 피자 진짜 맛있다.
This pizza is really delicious.

오늘 날씨가 정말 시원하다.
Today's weather is really cool.

Related words
창밖 out the window
하늘 sky
뿌옇다 to be hazy
점점 more and more
마스크 a mask
이렇다 to be like this
야외 활동 an outdoor activity
냄새 a smell

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