V/A+ 을까요/ㄹ까요?³ Speaker asks something with speculation.

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오늘 집들이에 초대한 친구들이 다 올까요?
Will all of my friends that I invited come to the housewarming party today?
다 올 거예요.
Yes, all of them will come.
준비한 음식이 부족하지 않을까요?
Isn't' the food that I prepared going to be insufficient?
아마 충분할 거예요.
Maybe, it's going to be sufficient.

V/A+ 을까요/ㄹ까요?³
It is used when the speaker asks something with speculation. 

When the action verb stem or the descriptive verb stem ends in a consonant, use '-을까요', and when the action verb stem or the descriptive verb stem ends in a vowel, use '-ㄹ까요'. When the noun comes, use '일까요'.

See 2 other uses of this expression here:

친구들이 한식을 잘 먹을까요?
Are my friends going to eat Korean food well?

오늘 백화점에 사람이 많을까요?
Are there going to be many people in the department store today?

올해 겨울에도 눈이 많이 내릴까요?
Will it snow a lot this winter?

Related words
부족하다 to be insufficient, to be lacking
충분하다 to be sufficient
올해 this year
겨울 winter
눈이 내리다 to snow

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