V/A+ 으면/면 Show that the former clause is the condition or assumption in the latter clause

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콘서트는 어땠어요?
How was the concert?
정말 재미있었어요.
It was really fun.
사인도 받으셨어요?
Did you get his signature?
아니요, 사람이 너무 많아서 못 받았어요. 다음 콘서트에 가 꼭 사인을 받을 거예요.
No, I couldn't get his signature because there were too many people. I will definitely get his signature when I go to his next concert.

V/A+ 으면/면
It is used to show that the former clause is the condition or assumption in the latter clause of the sentence. 

When the verb stem ends in a consonant, use '-으면', when ends in a vowel, use ' -면'. Use '이면' after the noun.

이번 주말에 날씨가 좋으면 놀이공원에 갈 거예요.
I will go to the amusement park when it is sunny this weekend.

고향에 가 친구들을 만나겠어요.
When I go to my hometown, I will meet my friends.

시험이 끝나 푹 쉴 거예요.
I will take a good rest when the exam is over.

Related words
사인을 받다 to get a signature
너무 too
놀이공원 an amusement park
푹 well, good

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