V+ 고 계시다 A subject honorific expression for ‘V+ 고 있다’.

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(전화로) 지금 뭐 하고 계세요?
(On the phone) What are you doing now?
빨래를 개고 있어요.
I am folding the laundry.
빨래가 많아요?
Do you have a lot of laundries?
네, 가족이 많아서 빨래가 많아요.
Yes, my family is big, so we have a lot of laundries.
V+ 고 계시다
It is a subject honorific expression for ‘V+ 고 있다’.

아버지께서 뭘 읽고 계세요?
What is my father reading?

할머니께서 까만 모자를 쓰고 계세요.
My grandmother is wearing a black hat.

여기에서 기다리고 계십시오.
Please stay waiting here.

Related words
빨래를 개다 to fold the laundry
빨래 laundry
까맣다 to be black
모자 a hat

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