V+ 은/ㄴ 후에 Show that something happens after the verb.

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졸업한 후에 뭘 할 거예요?
What are you going to do after graduation?
글쎄요. 유양 씨는요?
Well, I don't know yet. How about you, Ms. Yooyang?
저는 여행을 한 후에 고향에 돌아갈 거예요.
I'm going back to my hometown after I travel around.
저는 한국에서 대학원에 다니고 싶어요.
I want to study at a graduate school in Korea.

V+ 은/ㄴ 후에
It is used to show that something happens after the verb.

한국에서는 윗사람이 전화를 끊은 후에 아랫사람이 전화를 끊습니다.
In Korea, after your superior hangs up the phone, then you hang up.

약을 드신 후에 물을 많이 드세요.
Drink plenty of water after taking medicine.

이메일을 확인한 후에 전화하세요.
Please call me after checking your e-mail.

Related words
졸업하다 to graduate
글쎄요 well
대학원 graduate school
윗사람 a superior
전화를 끊다 to hang up the phone
아랫사람 a junior
약 a medicine
확인하다 to check

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