흐엉 씨를 만나면 이 책 좀 전해 줄 수 있어요?
Can you give this book to Ms. Huong when you see her?
무슨 책이에요?
What book is it?
지난번에 흐엉 씨한테서 빌린 책이에요.
It's a book that I borrowed from Ms. Huong the other time.
네, 제가 전해 드릴게요.
V+ 어/아/여 드릴게요.
It is used to indicate the speaker's promises that the speaker would do something for the listener with respect.
제가 자리를 바꿔 드릴게요.
I'll change the seat.
과일을 많이 사셨으니까 값을 깎아 드릴게요.
I'll reduce the price because you have bought a lot of fruit.
사신 물건을 집까지 배달해 드릴게요.
I'll deliver the stuff that you have bought to your house.
Related words
전하다 to give
바꾸다 to change
값을 깎다 to reduce the price, to give a discount
배달하다 to deliver