V+ (으)려고요. Express an intention to do a certain action casually.

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어서 오십시오. 저희 헬스클럽은 처음이십니까?
Welcome. Is this your first time visiting our fitness club?
네, 건강이 좀 안 좋아져서 운동을 시작하려고요.
Yes. My health has gotten worse, so I want to start exercising.
잘 오셨습니다. 오늘 회원 등록을 하시겠습니까?
Good. Would you like to register yourself as a member today?
먼저 시설을 둘러볼 수 있어요?
May I first look around the facility?

V+ 으려고요/려고요.
It is used to express an intention to do a certain action casually.

저는 오후에 도서관에 가서 자료를 찾으려고요.
I am going to look for some data in the library in the afternoon.

저는 감기에 걸려서 병원에 가려고요.
I have caught a cold, so I am going to go to the hospital.

저는 이번 주말에 밀린 집안일을 하려고요.
I am going to do some delayed household chores this weekend.

Related words
어서 오십시오 to welcome
시작하다 to start
회원 a member
등록 registration
둘러보다 look around

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