N한테 The colloquial expression for '에게'.

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혹시 흐엉 씨 전화번호를 알아요?
Well, do you happen to know Ms. Huong's phone number?
아니요, 몰라요.
No, I don’t know.
그럼 누가 알까요?
Then, who would know her phone number?
아마 서연 씨가 알 거예요. 서연 씨한테 한번 물어보세요.
Maybe, Ms. Seoyon will know. Why don't you ask Ms. Seoyon?

It is the colloquial expression for '에게'.

남동생한테 자주 전화를 합니다.
I often call my younger brother.

집주인한테 월세를 냈어요.
I paid monthly rent to the landlord.

여동생한테 생일 선물을 보낼 거예요.
I am going to send a birthday present to my younger sister.

Related words
모르다 not to know
한번 once
물어보다 to ask
집주인 a landlord
내다 to pay

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