V+ 는 To modify a noun that follows

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오랜만에 한강에 왔어요.
It's been a while since I came to the Han River last time.
그래요? 저는 한강에 자주 와요. 한강에서 자전거를 타요.
Is that so? I come to the Han River often. I ride a bike along the Han River.
저도 자전거를 타고 싶어요.
I want to ride a bike, too.
그럼 자전거를 탑시다. 저쪽에 자전거를 빌리 곳이 있어요.
Then, let's ride a bike. There is a bike rental shop over there.

V+ 는
It is attached to an action verb stem or '있다', '없다' verb stem to modify a noun that follows. It shows present tense.

우빈 씨가 자주 먹 음식은 삼겹살이에요.
The food Mr. Woobin often eats is samgyupsal.

요즘 제가 보 드라마가 참 재미있습니다.
The drama I watch these days is very interesting.

장미는 제가 좋아하 꽃이에요.
A rose is my favorite flower.

Related words
한강 Han River
곳 a place
삼겹살 samgyupsal (pork belly)
재미있다 to be interesting

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