이것은 무슨 표입니까?
What is this ticket for?
오늘 저녁에 탈 유람선 표예요.
It's the ferry ticket for tonight.
유람선요? 기대가 돼요.
Ferry? I'm looking forward to it.
저도 기대가 많이 돼요.
I'm looking forward to it, too.
V+ 을/ㄹ
It is attached to an action verb stem to modify a noun that follows. It shows future tense. When the action verb stem ends in a vowel, use '-ㄹ', and when the action verb stem ends in a consonant, use '-을'.
저녁에 먹을 음식을 준비합시다.
Let's prepare the food for dinner.
오후에 볼 영화표를 예매했어요.
I booked a movie ticket for the afternoon.
한국에서 살 집을 구했어요?
Have you found a new house to live in Korea?
Related words
유람선 a ferry
기대가 되다 to look forward to
영화표 a movie ticket
예매하다 to book
구하다 to get, to find