담뱃값 인상, 금연 효과 있었다
The cigarette price increase’s effect is that it has caused people to quit smoking.
담뱃값 인상 전후 1년간 성인 남성 흡연율이 약 6% 하락한 것으로 나타났습니다. 담뱃값 인상이
금연에 영향을 주고 있는 것으로 보입니다. 보건복지부는 15일, “2015 흡연 실태 조사”를 통해,
성인 남성 흡연율은 현재 35%로, 최근 1년 내에 흡연자 7명중 1명이 금연한 것으로 나타났다고
밝혔습니다. 이에 따라 흡연율은 1년 사이 5.8% 내려갔습니다. 특히 담뱃값 인상 후 6개월 동안
금연자 수가 급격히 늘어난 것으로 보입니다. 이번 조사에서 최근 1년 내 금연한 사람 3명 중 2
명은 담뱃값 인상을 계기로 금연했다고 응답했습니다. 한편 보건소 금연클리닉 이용자는 전년 대비 106% 증가했으며 금연 상담 전화 건수도 20% 증가했습니다.
It turns out that the ratio of smoking among adult men has dropped by about 6% a year after the price increase of cigarettes. It seems that the cigarette price increase is causing people to quit smoking. Through their “2015 smoking situation survey,” the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced on July 15 that the ratio of smoking for adult men is now at 35%, and that one out of seven smokers appears to have quit smoking within the past year. As a result, the ratio of smoking has gone down 5.8% over the past year. Especially for six months after the price increase of cigarettes, it appears that the number of people who quit smoking drastically increased. In the survey, two out of three people who quit smoking within the past year replied that they quit due to the price increase of cigarettes. Meanwhile, the number of users at the smoking clinic at the health centers increased by 106% compared to last year and the number of consultation phone calls for quitting smoking have also increased by 20%.
Study Notes
담뱃값 인상, 금연 효과 있었다
= The cigarette price increase’s effect is that it has caused people to quit smoking.
•담뱃값 price of cigarette
•인상 increase
•금연 quitting smoking
•효과 effect
담뱃값 인상 전후 1년간 성인 남성 흡연율이 약 6% 하락한 것으로 나타났습니다.
= It turns out that the ratio of smoking among adult men has dropped by about 6% a year after the price increase of cigarettes.
•전후 before and after
•성인 adult
•남성 man
•흡연율 rate of smoking
•하락하다 to decrease
•나타나다 to be revealed, to appear
담뱃값 인상이 금연에 영향을 주고 있는 것으로 보입니다.
= It seems that the cigarette price increase is causing people to quit smoking.
•보이다 to be seen
보건복지부는 15일, “2015 흡연 실태 조사”를 통해, 성인 남성 흡연율은 현재 35%로, 최근 1년
내에 흡연자 7명중 1명이 금연한 것으로 나타났다고 밝혔습니다.
= Through their “2015 smoking situation survey,” the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced on July 15 that the ratio of smoking for adult men is now at 35%, and that one out of seven smokers appears to have quit smoking within the past year.
•보건복지부 the Ministry of Health and Welfare
•실태 actual state/situation
•조사 investigation
•현재 current
이에 따라 흡연율은 1년 사이 5.8% 내려갔습니다.
= As a result, the ratio of smoking has gone down 5.8% over the past year.
•사이 during, between
•내려가다 to decrease, to go down
특히 담뱃값 인상 후 6개월 동안 금연자 수가 급격히 늘어난 것으로 보입니다.
= Especially for six months after the price increase of cigarettes, it appears that the number of people who quit smoking drastically increased.
•특히 especially
•금연자 person who quit smoking
•급격히 drastically
•늘어나다 to increase
이번 조사에서 최근 1년 내 금연한 사람 3명 중 2명은 담뱃값 인상을 계기로 금연했다고 응답했
= In the survey, two out of three people who quit smoking within the past year replied that they quit due to the price increase of cigarettes.
•최근 recently
•계기 opportunity, chance
•응답하다 to respond
한편 보건소 금연클리닉 이용자는 전년 대비 106% 증가했으며 금연 상담 전화 건수도 20% 증
= Meanwhile, the number of users at the smoking clinic at the health centers increased by 106% compared to last year and the number of consultation phone calls for quitting smoking have also increased by 20%.
•보건소 health center
•금연클리닉 smoking clinic
•이용자 user
•전년 last year
•대비 compared to
•증가하다 to increase
•상담 consultation, counsel
•건수 number of cases