이제 모자 쓰면 현금 인출 못한다 You can’t withdraw money while wearing a hat from now on.

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이제 모자 쓰면 현금 인출 못한다 You can’t withdraw money while wearing a hat from now on.

오는 10월부터 ATM이나 CD 등 자동화 기기에서 모자나 선글라스를 쓴 상태로 돈을 인출하지
못하게 된다고 합니다. 이는 금융 사기를 막기 위해 금융감독원이 마련한 대응 방안의 일환입니다. 올 상반기 금융 사기 피해 규모는 2,311억 원이었습니다. 더욱이 범인이 현금 인출기로 돈을 빼갈 때에는 모자를 눌러쓰거나 마스크를 쓰는 등 얼굴을 가려, CCTV로 얼굴을 인식하기가 힘들었습니다. 이러한 금융 사기를 근절하기 위해 금융감독원이 앞으로는 마스크나 모자, 선글라스 등으로 얼굴을 가린 사람은 CCTV가 자동으로 인식해 현금 인출기 거래를 차단하는 시스템을 도입하겠다고 밝혔습니다. 또한 다음 달 2일부터는 백만 원 이상 입금될 경우 해당 계좌는 30분간 인출이 제한됩니다.

From (upcoming) October, it is said that you won’t be able to withdraw money from automation devices such as ATM(automatic teller machine)s or CD(cash dispenser)s while wearing a hat or sunglasses. This is one of the countermeasures that the Financial Supervisory Service has prepared in order to stop bank frauds. The scale of damage made by bank frauds in the first half of this year was 231.1 billion won. On top of that, when culprits took out money through ATMs, they covered their faces by jamming their hat on or by wearing a mask, therefore making it difficult to recognize their faces through CCTV footage. In order to root out these bank frauds, the Financial Supervisory Service said that they would introduce a system where the CCTV would automatically recognize people who have covered their faces with a mask, hat, or sunglasses would be blocked from making ATM transactions from now on. Also, from September 2, if more than 1 million won is deposited, the certain account will be restricted from withdrawing for 30 minutes.


Study Notes
이제 모자 쓰면 현금 인출 못한다
= You can’t withdraw money while wearing a hat from now on.
•모자 cap, hat
•쓰다 to wear
•현금 cash
•인출 withdrawal

오는 10월부터 ATM이나 CD 등 자동화 기기에서 모자나 선글라스를 쓴 상태로 돈을 인출하지
못하게 된다고 합니다.
= From (upcoming) October, it is said that you won’t be able to withdraw money from automation devices such as ATM(automatic teller machine)s or CD(cash dispenser)s while wearing a hat or sunglasses.
•자동화 automation
•기기 facility, machine
•상태 state, condition

이는 금융 사기를 막기 위해 금융감독원이 마련한 대응 방안의 일환입니다.
= This is one of the countermeasures that the Financial Supervisory Service has prepared in order to stop bank frauds.
•금융 finance
•사기 fraud
•막다 to block, to stop
•금융감독원 Financial Supervisory Service
•마련하다 to prepare, to arrange
•대응 방안 countermeasure
•일환 part (of an effort)

올 상반기 금융 사기 피해 규모는 2,311억 원이었습니다.
= The scale of damage made by bank frauds in the first half of this year was 231.1 billion won.
•피해 damage
•규모 scale

더욱이 범인이 현금 인출기로 돈을 빼갈 때에는 모자를 눌러쓰거나 마스크를 쓰는 등 얼굴을 가려, CCTV로 얼굴을 인식하기가 힘들었습니다.
= On top of that, when culprits took out money through ATMs, they covered their faces by jamming their hat on or by wearing a mask, therefore making it difficult to recognize their faces through CCTV footage.
•더욱이 moreover, besides
•범인 criminal, culprit
•빼가다 to withdraw, to take something out
•(모자를) 눌러쓰다 to pull (one’s hat) over one’s eyes, to jam one's hat on
•가리다 to hide, to cover
•인식하다 to recognize

이러한 금융 사기를 근절하기 위해 금융감독원이 앞으로는 마스크나 모자, 선글라스 등으로 얼굴을 가린 사람은 CCTV가 자동으로 인식해 현금 인출기 거래를 차단하는 시스템을 도입하겠다고 밝혔습니다.
= In order to root out these bank frauds, the Financial Supervisory Service said that they would introduce a system where the CCTV would automatically recognize people who have covered their faces with a mask, hat, or sunglasses would be blocked from making ATM transactions from now on.
•근절하다 to root out
•자동 automatic
•거래 deal, transaction
•차단하다 to block, to shut out
•도입하다 to introduce, to impose, to institute
•밝히다 to reveal, to announce

또한 다음 달 2일부터는 백만 원 이상 입금될 경우 해당 계좌는 30분간 인출이 제한됩니다.
= Also, from September 2, if more than 1 million won is deposited, the certain account will be restricted from withdrawing for 30 minutes.
•입금 deposit
•해당 relevant, certain
•계좌 account
•제한되다 to be limited, to be restricted

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