찰떡궁합인 줄로만 알았는데... We were sure they were a perfect match.

Chicken and beer are famous for being a fantastic match. However, it is reported that it can rather be harmful if you have chicken and beer together. Beer is incompatible with greasy food. Therefore, some experts explain that it can cause gouty arthritis if you have them together. Then, how about samgyeopsal(pork belly) and soju? They are also reportedly the worst combination that you should be careful of. Soju is oxidized inside the body so it doesn’t accrue, but if you have it along with pork belly, the alcohol element in soju combines with fat and piles up inside the body. In severe cases, it can be the cause for obesity, diabetes, and myocardial infarction. There are a lot of people who eat bread and juice for their breakfast. However, they are also the worst match. When bread, which is made of starch, meets acid food such as orange juice, it can delay digestion and worsens indigestion.
Study Notes
찰떡궁합인 줄로만 알았는데…
= We were sure they were a perfect match.
•찰떡궁합 perfect match
치킨과 맥주는 환상적인 궁합을 자랑하는 것으로 유명합니다.
= Chicken and beer are famous for being a fantastic match.
•맥주 beer
•환상적이다 to be fantastic
•자랑하다 to brag, to show off, to boast
•유명하다 to be famous
하지만 치킨과 맥주를 같이 먹으면 오히려 우리 몸에 독이 될 수도 있다고 합니다.
= However, it is reported that it can rather be harmful if you have chicken and beer together.
•오히려 rather, on the contrary
•독 poison
맥주와 기름진 안주는 상극입니다.
= Beer is incompatible with greasy food.
•기름지다 to be greasy
•안주 food or snack served with alcoholic beverages
•상극 two incompatible things/people
그렇기 때문에 이 둘을 같이 먹으면 통풍성 관절염을 일으킬 수 있다는 게 전문가들의 설명입니다.
= Therefore, some experts explain that it can cause gouty arthritis if you have them together.•통풍성 관절염 gouty arthritis
•일으키다 to cause
•설명 explanation
그렇다면 삼겹살과 소주는 어떨까요?
= Then, how about samgyeopsal(pork belly) and soju?
•삼겹살 pork belly
이 역시도 주의해야 할 최악의 조합이라고 합니다.
= They are also reportedly the worst combination that you should be careful of.
•주의하다 to be careful
•최악 the worst
•조합 combination
소주는 체내에서 산화되어 잘 축적되지 않지만 기름진 삼겹살과 함께 먹으면 소주의 알코올 성분이 지방과 결합해 체내에 쌓이게 됩니다.
= Soju is oxidized inside the body so it doesn’t accrue, but if you have it along with pork belly, the alcohol element in soju combines with fat and piles up inside the body.
•체내 inside the body
•산화되다 to be oxidized
•축적되다 to accrue, to be accumulated
•성분 component
•지방 fat
•결합하다 to combine
•쌓이다 to pile up
심한 경우 비만, 당뇨, 심근경색을 유발하는 원인이 됩니다.
= In severe cases, it can be the cause for obesity, diabetes, and myocardial infarction.
•비만 obesity
•당뇨 diabetes
•심근경색 myocardial infarction
•유발하다 to cause
•원인 cause
그리고 아침 식사를 빵과 주스로 대신하는 사람들이 많습니다.
= There are a lot of people who eat bread and juice for their breakfast.
하지만 이 둘 또한 상극입니다.
= However, they are also the worst match.
전분으로 만든 빵은 오렌지 주스와 같은 산성 식품과 만나면 소화가 지연되고 소화 불량을 촉진시킵니다.
= When bread, which is made of starch, meets acid food such as orange juice, it can delay digestion and worsens indigestion.
•전분 starch
•산성 acid
•식품 food
•지연되다 to be delayed
•소화 불량 indigestion
•촉진시키다 to promote, to accelerate
Source : http://talktomeinkorean.com/