괭이부리 마을 체험관 계획, 결국 백지화
Plans to open an experience center for Gwaeng-i-bu-ri Village ended up being cancelled.

The Dong-gu Office in Incheon stirred up controversy when they announced that they would make an experience facility in the Gwaeng-i-bu-ri village in Manseok dong, so that people can experience the hard lifestyle of the past. According to the explanation given by the office on July 12, the purpose of the experience center for the old lifestyle was to have children who visit the Dong-gu area with their parents from other areas experience the lifestyle of the past. The regional office was planning to operate programs that stimulate the nostalgia of tourists by showing the living scenes of the local residents such as Korean chamber pots, black-and-white televisions and laundry bats. But residents opposed to the idea said that “it is an attempt to commercialize even poverty by turning the poor neighborhood into a tourist attraction. After there was some press coverage regarding this, there was heated criticism of this by the public on the Internet. After the controversy, the Dong-gu Committee of Incheon opened a standing committee and in the end, the plan to establish the experience center was cancelled.
Study Notes
괭이부리 마을 체험관 계획, 결국 백지화
= Plans to open an experience center for Gwaeng-i-bu-ri Village ended up being cancelled.
•마을 village
•체험관 experience center
•계획 plan
•백지화 cancellation
인천 동구청이 만석동 괭이부리 마을에 옛날 어려웠던 시절의 생활을 느껴볼 수 있는 체험 시설을 만들겠다고 밝혀 논란을 빚었습니다.
= The Dong-gu Office in Incheon stirred up controversy when they announced that they would make an experience facility in the Gwaeng-i-bu-ri village in Manseok dong, so that people can experience the hard lifestyle of the past.
•어렵다 to be difficult
•시절 days, years
•생활 life, living
•느끼다 to feel
•체험 experience
•시설 facility
•밝히다 to reveal, to announce
•논란 controversy, argument
•(논란을) 빚다 to make/cause (controversy)
12일 인천시 동구청의 설명에 따르면, 옛 생활 체험관의 목적은 타지에서 부모와 함께 동구를 찾은 아이들에게 옛 생활 모습을 경험하도록 하는 것이었습니다.
= According to the explanation given by the office on July 12, the purpose of the experience center for the old lifestyle was to have children who visit the Dong-gu area with their parents from other areas experience the lifestyle of the past.
•설명 explanation
•목적 purpose, object, goal
•타지 other town, foreign land
•찾다 to look for, to search for
•경험하다 to experience
구는 이곳에 요강, 흑백 텔레비전, 다듬이 등 지역 거주 주민들의 생활 현장을 보여주는 방식으로 관광객들의 향수를 자극하는 프로그램을 운영할 계획이었습니다.
= The regional office was planning to operate programs that stimulate the nostalgia of tourists by showing the living scenes of the local residents such as Korean chamber pots, black-and-white televisions and laundry bats.
•요강 Korean chamber pot
•흑백 black and white
•다듬이 laundry bat
•지역 region
•거주 living
•주민 citizen
•현장 site, actual place
•방식 method
•향수 homesickness, nostalgia
•자극하다 to stimulate
•운영하다 to manage
그러나 주민들은 “쪽방촌을 관광지로 만들어 가난까지 상품화하려는 시도”라며 반발하고 나섰습니다.
= But residents opposed to the idea said that “it is an attempt to commercialize even poverty by turning the poor neighborhood into a tourist attraction.
•쪽방촌 area full of small and shabby houses
•관광지 tourist attraction
•가난 poverty
•상품화 commercialization
•시도 trial
•반발하다 to resist
•나서다 to come out (to agree or disagree)
이와 관련한 언론 보도가 나간 뒤 인터넷 상에서도 이를 비판하는 여론이 들끓었습니다.
= After there was some press coverage regarding this, there was heated criticism of this by the public on the Internet.
•언론 press, media
•보도 report, coverage
•(보도) 나가다 to be reported
•인터넷 상 on the internet
•비판하다 to criticize
•여론 public opinion
•들끓다 to boil up
논란 끝에 인천 동구 의회는 상임 위원회를 열었고, 결국 체험관 설립 계획은 백지화되었습니다.
= After the controversy, the Dong-gu Committee of Incheon opened a standing committee and in the end, the plan to establish the experience center was cancelled.
•상임 위원회 standing committee