한국, 전세계에서 두 번째로 늙은 나라 된다 Korea to be the second oldest country in the world
South Korea is reportedly going to be the second oldest country in the world in 2060. This is because the speed at which the working age population decreases due to low birth rate and the aging of the society, and at which the ratio of old population increases is faster than in other countries. According to the data released by the Korea National Statistical Office, the ratio of the old population in South Korea has increased to 13.1% this year, which is 4.5 times higher when compared to the 1960’s. The Korea National Statistical Office predicted that this will continue to increase and reach 40.1% in 2060, which will be the second highest among 131 countries. On the contrary, the ratio of working age population has been on the decrease since 2012. This year, the ratio of working age population is 73.0%, but it is predicted to be 63.1% in 2030, and 49.7% in 2060.
Study Notes
한국, 전세계에서 두 번째로 늙은 나라 된다
= Korea to be the second oldest country in the world
•전세계 worldwide, whole world
•늙다 to be old
우리나라가 2060년에 전세계에서 두 번째로 늙은 국가가 될 것이라고 합니다.
= South Korea is reportedly going to be the second oldest country in the world in 2060.
•국가 nation, country
저출산과 고령화로 생산 가능 인구 비중은 줄고 고령 인구 비중이 늘어나는 속도가 다른 나라에 비해 빠른 탓입니다.
= This is because the speed at which the working age population decreases due to low birth rate and the aging of the society, and at which the ratio of old population increases is faster than in other countries.
•저출산 low birth rate
•고령화 aging
•생산 production
•가능 possibility
•인구 population
•비중 proportion
•늘어나다 to increase, to grow in amount
•속도 speed
•빠르다 to be fast
통계청이 발표한 자료에 따르면, 우리나라의 고령 인구 비중은 올해 13.1%로 1960년보다 4.5
배 늘었습니다.
= According to the data released by the Korea National Statistical Office, the ratio of the old population in South Korea has increased to 13.1% this year, which is 4.5 times higher when compared to the 1960’s.
•통계청 Korea National Statistical Office
•발표하다 to announce, to publish
•자료 data
앞으로도 계속 증가해서 2060년에는 40.1%로 131개국 중 두 번째로 높은 나라가 될 것이라
고 통계청은 예상했습니다.
= The Korea National Statistical Office predicted that this will continue to increase and reach 40.1% in 2060, which will be the second highest among 131 countries.
•앞으로도 from now on too, continuing on
•증가하다 to increase
•예상하다 to anticipate
반대로 생산 가능 인구 비중은 2012년 이후 감소하는 추세입니다.
= On the contrary, the ratio of working age population has been on the decrease since 2012.
•반대로 on the contrary
•감소하다 to decrease
•추세 trend
올해 생산 가능 인구 비중은 73.0%이지만 2030년에는 63.1%, 2060년에는 49.7%를 기록할 전망입니다.
= This year, the ratio of working age population is 73.0%, but it is predicted to be 63.1% in 2030, and 49.7% in 2060.
•기록하다 to record
•전망 prospect
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