벽화만 그렸는데 범죄율이 “뚝"
Just by drawing wall paintings, crime rate has dropped by a lot.
경남 창원시 의창구 두대동은 오래된 단독 주택들이 골목을 따라 다닥다닥 붙어 있는 곳입니다. 주택 대부분이 30년을 넘긴데다가 재개발을 예상해 수리를 하지 않아 낡은 집들이 상당수입니다. 주거 환경이 열악하다 보니 치안도 갈수록 나빠졌습니다. 창원중부경찰서는 범죄를 줄여보겠다는 시도로 지난 3월 이곳에 벽화를 그렸습니다. 낡은 주택 35채의 벽에 꽃과 무지개, 아이들이 환하게 웃는 모습을 그려 넣었습니다. 그 결과 지난해와 비교해 5대 범죄가 평균 30% 가량 줄었고, 특히 학교 폭력은 75% 가량 줄었다는 통계가 나왔습니다. 적은 비용을 들여 범죄 감소에 큰 효과를 거둔 이 방법은 셉테드 기법으로, 어두컴컴한 골목길에 밝은 색을 칠하거나 벽화를 그려 범죄 발생 가능성이 있는 환경을 바꾸는 것입니다.
Du-dae dong, Ui-chang gu, Chang-won city in Gyeong-nam Province is a place where old houses are huddled together along the alley. Most of these houses are more than 30 years old and they didn’t repair them, expecting a redevelopment, so many of the houses are shabby. Since the residential environment is bad, public safety has become worse and worse. Chang-won Jungbu Police Station drew wall paintings here in March as an attempt to reduce crimes. They drew flowers, rainbows, and children smiling broadly on the walls of 35 old houses. As a result, the statistics say that five major crime types have decreased by an average of 30% and especially school violence has decreased by about 75% compared to last year. This method, which had a big effect with a small expense, is the CPTED method, and it’s about changing the environment that has possibility of crimes by painting dark alleys in bright colors or drawing wall paintings.
Study Notes
벽화만 그렸는데 범죄율이 “뚝"
= Just by drawing wall paintings, crime rate has dropped by a lot.
•벽화 wall painting
•그리다 to draw
•범죄율 crime rate
경남 창원시 의창구 두대동은 오래된 단독 주택들이 골목을 따라 다닥다닥 붙어 있는 곳입니다.
= Du-dae dong, Ui-chang gu, Chang-won city in Gyeong-nam Province is a place where old houses are huddled together along the alley.
•오래되다 to be old
•단독 주택 (detached) house
•골목 alley
•다닥다닥 in a huddled fashion
•붙어 있다 to be attached
주택 대부분이 30년을 넘긴 데다가 재개발을 예상해 수리를 하지 않아 낡은 집들이 상당수입니다.
= Most of these houses are more than 30 years old and they didn’t repair them, expecting a redevelopment, so many of the houses are shabby.
•대부분 most
•넘기다 to be over, to pass
•재개발 redevelopment
•예상하다 to anticipate, to foresee
•수리 repair
•낡다 to be old, to be worn out
•상당수 considerable amount/number
주거 환경이 열악하다 보니 치안도 갈수록 나빠졌습니다.
= Since the residential environment is bad, public safety has become worse and worse.
•주거 dwelling
•환경 environment
•열악하다 to be poor, to be inadequate (environment)
•치안 public safety
•나빠지다 to become bad
창원중부경찰서는 범죄를 줄여보겠다는 시도로 지난 3월 이곳에 벽화를 그렸습니다.
= Chang-won Jungbu Police Station drew wall paintings here in March as an attempt to reduce crimes.
•줄이다 to decrease, to reduce
•시도 try, attempt
낡은 주택 35채의 벽에 꽃과 무지개, 아이들이 환하게 웃는 모습을 그려 넣었습니다.
= They drew flowers, rainbows, and children smiling broadly on the walls of 35 old houses.
•낡다 to be worn out, to be old
•주택 house
•벽 wall
•꽃 flower
•무지개 rainbow
•환하게 radiantly
•웃다 to smile, to laugh
•그려 넣다 to draw something in
그 결과 지난해와 비교해 5대 범죄가 평균 30% 가량 줄었고, 특히 학교 폭력은 75% 가량 줄었
다는 통계가 나왔습니다.
= As a result, the statistics say that five major crime types have decreased by an average of 30% and especially school violence has decreased by about 75% compared to last year.
•평균 average
•가량 around, about
•줄다 to decrease
•특히 especially
•폭력 violence
•통계 statistics
•나오다 to come out
적은 비용을 들여 범죄 감소에 큰 효과를 거둔 이 방법은 셉테드 기법으로, 어두컴컴한 골목길에 밝은 색을 칠하거나 벽화를 그려 범죄 발생 가능성이 있는 환경을 바꾸는 것입니다.
= This method, which had a big effect with a small expense, is the CPTED method, and it’s about changing the environment that has possibility of crimes by painting dark alleys in bright colors or drawing wall paintings.
•적다 to be few/little
•비용을 들이다 to pay
•효과를 거두다 to bear results, to work effectively
•기법 technique
•어두컴컴하다 to be dark
•밝다 to be bright
•색 color
•칠하다 to paint
•가능성 possibility
•바꾸다 to change
Source : http://talktomeinkorean.com/