시한부 소년의 마지막 소원 위해 연기한 배우
Actress acted for the last wish of a terminally ill boy
3살 때 다운증후군 진단을 받은 후 지금까지 짧은 인생의 대부분을 백혈병과 싸워 온 열살 난 올리버의 마지막 소원은 여왕과의 만남이었습니다. 올리버는 "더는 치료가 어려워 마지막을 준비해야 한다"는 의사의 시한부 선고를 받게 됐습니다. 가족은 그런 아들의 마지막 소원인 여왕과의 만남을 이뤄주기 위해 노력했습니다. 영국 국립 어린이 백혈병 센터는 영화 “더 퀸”에서 여왕으로 열연을 한 헬렌과의 만남을 주선했습니다. 그렇게 “여왕의 다과회'”에 초청받은 올리버는 준비된 리무진을 타고 소원했던 여왕과의 만남을 가질 수 있었습니다. 그날 올리버를 위해 연기한 헬렌은 그 어느 때보다 아름다운 연기를 펼치며 모두를 감동시켰습니다. 올리버의 아버지 제임스 브라운은 "아들은 그녀가 진짜 여왕이라 믿었다"며 감사의 말을 전했습니다.
The last wish of Oliver, who has been fighting with leukemia for the majority of his short life so far, ever since he was diagnosed with Down’s syndrome at age of 3, was to meet with the Queen. Oliver was given months to live by the doctor who said that “they can’t cure him any further, so they have to prepare for his last moments.” His family tried to make their son’s last wish come true, which was to meet with the Queen. UK’s national child leukemia center arranged a meeting with Helen Mirren, who performed enthusiastically as the queen in the movie “The Queen”. Oliver, who was invited to the “reception with the Queen”, took the prepared limousine and was able to meet with the Queen, just as he had wished for. Helen Mirren, who acted for Oliver on that day, acted more beautifully than ever before and moved everybody. Oliver’s father, James Brown, thanked her saying “My son believed that she was the real Queen.”
Study Notes
시한부 소년의 마지막 소원 위해 연기한 배우
= Actress acted for the last wish of a terminally ill boy
•시한부 terminally ill, with months to live
•소년 boy
•소원 wish
•연기하다 to act
3살 때 다운증후군 진단을 받은 후 지금까지 짧은 인생의 대부분을 백혈병과 싸워 온 열살 난 올리버의 마지막 소원은 여왕과의 만남이었습니다.
= The last wish of Oliver, who has been fighting with leukemia for the majority of his short life so far, ever since he was diagnosed with Down’s syndrome at age of 3, was to meet with the Queen.
•다운증후군 Down’s syndrome
•진단 diagnosis
•짧다 to be short
•인생 life
•백혈병 leukemia
•싸우다 to fight
•여왕 queen
•만남 meeting
올리버는 "더는 치료가 어려워 마지막을 준비해야 한다"는 의사의 시한부 선고를 받게 됐습니다.
= Oliver was given months to live by the doctor who said that “they can’t cure him any further, so they have to prepare for his last moments.”
•어렵다 to be difficult, to be hard, to be impossible
•준비하다 to prepare
가족은 그런 아들의 마지막 소원인 여왕과의 만남을 이뤄주기 위해 노력했습니다.
= His family tried to make their son’s last wish come true, which was to meet with the Queen.
•이뤄주다 to make something happen
•노력하다 to try hard
영국 국립 어린이 백혈병 센터는 영화 “더 퀸”에서 여왕으로 열연을 한 헬렌과의 만남을 주선했습니다.
= UK’s national child leukemia center arranged a meeting with Helen Mirren, who performed enthusiastically as the queen in the movie “The Queen”.
•국립 national
•열연하다 to perform enthusiastically
•주선하다 to arrange, to organize (meeting)
그렇게 “여왕의 다과회'”에 초청받은 올리버는 준비된 리무진을 타고 소원했던 여왕과의 만남을 가질 수 있었습니다.
= Oliver, who was invited to the “reception with the Queen”, took the prepared limousine and was able to meet with the Queen, just as he had wished for.
•다과회 reception
•초청받다 to be invited
그날 올리버를 위해 연기한 헬렌은 그 어느 때보다 아름다운 연기를 펼치며 모두를 감동시켰습니다.
= Helen Mirren, who acted for Oliver on that day, acted more beautifully than ever before and moved everybody.
•연기를 펼치다 to perform, to act
•감동시키다 to touch
올리버의 아버지 제임스 브라운은 "아들은 그녀가 진짜 여왕이라 믿었다"며 감사의 말을 전했습니다.
= Oliver’s father, James Brown, thanked her saying “My son believed that she was the real Queen.”
•믿다 to believe
•전하다 to convey, to tell
Source : http://talktomeinkorean.com/