내년 최저 시급 8.1% 인상, 아무도 만족시키지 못했다
8.1% increase in the minimum wage for next year did not satisfy anyone.

8년 만의 최고치입니다. 월급으로 환산하면 주 40시간 기준 126만 270원으로, 전체 근로자의
18.2%에 해당하는 저소득 근로자 342만 명이 혜택을 보게 됩니다. 하지만 이번 인상률을 놓고
노사 모두 반발하고 있습니다. 노동계는 “내년 최저 임금 인상폭은 기대에 턱없이 못 미친다”며 “저 임금 노동자들의 절박한 생계난을 외면한 최저 임금 수준”이라고 말했습니다. 경영계도 불만의 목소리를 내고 있습니다. 그들은 “중소·영세기업의 심각한 경영난을 외면한 결정”이라며 “과다한 최저 임금 인상으로 영세기업이나 자영업자의 도산과 신규 채용 축소 등이 잇따를 수 있다”고 밝혔습니다.
The minimum wage for 2016 has been fixed at 6,030 won, which is 450 won higher than this year. The increase rate is 8.1% and it is the highest in 8 years. If you convert this into monthly salary, based on a 40-hour workweek, it is 1,260,720 won, and 3.42 million low-income workers, which take up 18.2% of all workers, will benefit from the increase. But both labor and management are opposing to this increase rate. Labor groups said that “next year’s minimum wage increase is far lower than expected” and that “the minimum wage is at a level that disregards the desperate living conditions of low-income workers.” Management groups are also voicing complaints. They said that “this is a decision that disregards the serious difficulties of management of small-medium-scale business” and that “due to an excessive wage increase, there can be successive bankruptcies of small businesses and independent businessmen as well as a decrease in new employment.”
Study Notes
내년 최저 시급 8.1% 인상, 아무도 만족시키지 못했다
= 8.1% increase in the minimum wage for next year did not satisfy anyone.
•최저 the lowest
•시급 pay for an hour
•인상 increase
•만족시키다 to satisfy
2016년도 최저 시급이 올해보다 450원 오른 6,030원으로 결정됐습니다.
= The minimum wage for 2016 has been fixed at 6,030 won, which is 450 won higher than this year.
•오르다 to increase
•결정되다 to be decided
인상률은 8.1%로, 8년 만의 최고치입니다.
= The increase rate is 8.1% and it is the highest in 8 years.
•인상률 amount of increase
•최고치 the highest record
월급으로 환산하면 주 40시간 기준으로 126만 270원으로, 전체 근로자 18.2%에 해당하는 저
소득 근로자 342만 명이 혜택을 보게 됩니다.
= If you convert this into monthly salary, based on a 40-hour workweek, it is 1,260,720 won, and 3.42 million low-income workers, which take up 18.2% of all workers, will benefit from the increase.
•월급 monthly pay
•환산하다 to convert
•기준 standard
•전체 whole
•근로자 worker
•해당하다 to be relevant
•저소득 low income
•혜택을 보다 to benefit from
하지만 이번 인상률을 놓고 노사 모두 반발하고 있습니다.
= But both labor and management are opposing to this increase rate.
•노사 labor and management
•반발하다 to resist
노동계는 “내년 최저 임금 인상폭은 기대에 턱없이 못 미친다”며 “저임금 노동자들의 절박한 생계 난을 외면한 최저 임금 수준”이라고 말했습니다.
= Labor groups said that “next year’s minimum wage increase is far lower than expected” and that “the minimum wage is at a level that disregards the desperate living conditions of low-income workers.”
•노동계 labor world
•인상폭 increase width
•기대 anticipation, expectation
•턱없다 to be groundless, to be unfounded
•미치다 to reach
•노동자 worker
•절박하다 to be desperate
•생계난 living problem
•외면하다 to look away, to disregard
경영계도 불만의 목소리를 내고 있습니다.
= Management groups are also voicing complaints.
•경영계 business community
•불만 complaint, dissatisfaction
•목소리 voice
•내다 to raise
그들은 “중소·영세기업의 심각한 경영난을 외면한 결정”이라며 “과다한 최저 임금 인상으로 영세 기업이나 자영업자의 도산과 신규 채용 축소 등이 잇따를 수 있다”고 밝혔습니다.
= They said that “this is a decision that disregards the serious difficulties of management of small-medium-scale business” and that “due to an excessive wage increase, there can be successive bankruptcies of small businesses and independent businessmen as well as a decrease in new employment.”
•중소기업 small business
•영세기업 small business (the number of employees are under 5)
•심각하다 to be serious
•경영난 financial problem
•과다하다 to be excessive
•자영업자 independent businessman
•도산 bankruptcy
•신규 new
•채용 hiring
•축소 decrease
•잇따르다 to be followed
•밝히다 to reveal
Source : http://talktomeinkorean.com/