자전거 주행 중 이런 행동은 위험해요
These behaviors are dangerous to do while riding a bicycle.

Many people enjoy the summer by riding a bicycle through a cool breeze. But there are some bikers who cause inconvenience to other people with dangerous riding. Let’s check out some dangerous behaviors that bikers have to be careful about. There are people who listen to music when they ride a bike in order to make their ride a little more exciting and enjoyable. But blocking out all the sound from your surroundings by wearing earphones when you ride a bike is a very dangerous behavior. Also, just like with cars, bikes must keep the distance from the car in front longer than the stopping distance. That way, they can avoid accidents that they can’t predict. According to the traffic laws, bikes are also a transportation that is clearly classified as “a vehicle”. Therefore, even for short distances, you must never ride a bike under the influence of alcohol.
Study Notes
자전거 주행 중 이런 행동은 위험해요
= These behaviors are dangerous to do while riding a bicycle.
•자전거 bicycle
•주행 drive, run
•행동 behavior
•위험하다 to be dangerous
자전거를 타고 시원한 바람을 가르며 여름을 즐기는 사람들이 많습니다.
= Many people enjoy the summer by riding a bicycle through a cool breeze.
•시원하다 to be cool
•바람을 가르다 to expose to wind, to enjoy wind
•즐기다 to enjoy
그런데 가끔 위험한 주행으로 다른 사람들에게 피해를 주는 운전자들이 있습니다.
= But there are some bikers who cause inconvenience to other people with dangerous riding.
•피해를 주다 to damage, to harm
•운전자 driver
자전거 운전자들이 주의해야 할 위험 행동에 대해 몇 가지 알아보겠습니다.
= Let’s check out some dangerous behaviors that bikers have to be careful about.
•주의하다 to be cautious about, to be careful
•알아보다 to look into, to investigate
자전거를 탈 때 좀 더 신나고 즐겁게 달리기 위해 노래를 듣는 사람들이 있습니다.
= There are people who listen to music when they ride a bike in order to make their ride a little more exciting and enjoyable.
•신나다 to be exited
•즐겁다 to be pleased
•달리다 to run

= But blocking out all the sound from your surroundings by wearing earphones when you ride a bike is a very dangerous behavior.
•꽂다 to put, to plug in
•주변 surroundings
•차단하다 to block
•굉장히 very, extremely
또한, 자전거도 자동차와 마찬가지로 반드시 앞 차와의 간격을 정지 거리 이상으로 유지해야 합니다.
= Also, just like with cars, bikes must keep the distance from the car in front longer than the stopping distance.
•마찬가지로 likewise
•간격 gap
•정지 stop
•거리 distance
•이상 more than, above
•유지하다 to maintain
그래야 언제 발생할지 모르는 사고에 대비할 수 있습니다.
= That way, they can avoid accidents that they can’t predict.
•발생하다 to happen, to occur
•사고 accident
•대비하다 to prepare for
도로교통법상 자전거도 엄연히 “차”로 분류되는 교통 수단입니다.
= According to the traffic laws, bikes are also a transportation that is clearly classified as “a vehicle”.
•도로교통법 traffic law
•상 based on
•엄연히 clearly, undoubtedly
•분류되다 to be labeled, to be classed
•교통 traffic
•수단 means
따라서 가까운 거리라도 음주를 한 상태로 자전거를 운전해서는 절대 안 됩니다.
= Therefore, even for short distances, you must never ride a bike under the influence of alcohol.
•가깝다 to be close
•음주 drinking
•상태 state, condition