I became good at cooking.
축구를 좋아하게 되었어요.
I came to like soccer.
외국으로 출장을 가게 됐어요.
(It’s been decided) I will go abroad on a business trip.
Grammar Focus:
-게 되다 expresses a change from one state to another or a change in a situation as a result of someone else’s action or the environment, regardless of the will of the subject. It is made by adding -게 되다 to the verb stem. It corresponds to ‘became’, ‘came to (be/do)’ and ‘has been decided’ in English.

• 옛날에는 축구를 싫어했는데 남자 친구가 생기고 나서부터 축구를 좋아하게 되었어요.
I used to dislike soccer, but after I began dating my boyfriend I came to like it.
• 출장을 가기 싫었는데 사장님의 명령 때문에 출장을 가게 되었어요.
I didn’t want to go on the business trip, but I had to because my boss ordered me to go.
A: 요즘 일찍 일어나요? Do you get up early these days?
B: 네, 회사에 다닌 후부터 일찍 일어나게 되었어요.
Yes, after starting to work at a company, I became an early riser (came to get up early).
A: 영화배우 장동건 씨를 알아요? Do you know the movie star Jang Dong-gun?
B: 한국에 오기 전에는 몰랐는데 한국에 와서 알게 되었어요.
I hadn’t heard of him before coming to Korea, but after coming here, I learned of him.