[Let's learn Korean culture] Let's make kimbap

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Let's make kimbap
When Korean people go on a picnic or are on a trip, the typical food that they prepare is kimbap. They sometimes make it at home, or they can have it at a kimbap restaurant. There are many types of kimbap, including grilled meat, tuna, cheese, and vegetable kimbap. As for the ingredients, they can change and be put in kimbap, depending on each person's preference.

<Cooking steps>

① Put salt and sesame oil in rice, and mix well.
② Prepare several kinds of ingredients.
③ First spread the rice evenly on top of the seaweed, and put the ingredients
over it.
④ Roll it perfectly.
⑤ Slice the kimbap nicely, and it’s ready to eat.

(Photo: Internet)
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